Vol. XXV—No. 7. BC’s 9th Alumni of the year award is presented to Dr. Jay Greene, class of 1932, BC defeats Detroit in first College Bowl victory, Queens College Student Association President Mark Levy receives susp..
Vol. XIX—No. 10 BC Library requests additional funding from Board of Higher Education, BC Professor Bernadette lays into college and touts use of religion as only hope for America’s future, Executive Committee appro..
Vol. XXIX – No. 10 This issue contains articles on the 14 students vying for the 1964 annual 'Ugly Man on Campus' charity-drive contest, the collection of student donations for the Kennedy National Library in John F. K..
Vol. XLI – No. 7 This issue contains articles on the changes requested by the Design and Construction Committee regarding the plans of the development of the BC athletic field, the launch of a program designed to help ..
Vol. LXV – No. 11 This issue contains articles on a dispute over printing debts, the revocation of the graduate political science club's charter, and a wave of car break-ins near campus. Preferred Citation: Title of N..
Vol. LXX – No. 11 This issue contains articles on a reversal of an economics professor's denial of promotion, CUNY Board of Trustees' proposed failure amnesty plan, and mystery money appearing in the student government..
Vol. XXV—No. 10. BC admin officials take down some 70- names of students protesting the air raid shelter drill of 11/20/62, BC loses its College Bowl bout to Manhattanville College, BC Student Center protests an Offic..
Vol. XXXIX – No. 10 This issue contains articles on responses to Moratorium Day activities including campus religious leaders providing anti-war sermons, discontent within Graduate Student Organization over the new Uni..
Vol. LI – No. 10 This issue contains articles on student protests against CUNY budget cuts, changes to course credit tabulations, and a student government media referendum. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volu..
Vol. LXXIII – No. 11 This issue contains articles on the improper storage and disposal of student records, a legal suit against the college by a contractor, and a conference on Italian Judaism. Preferred Citation: Tit..