Branches on the Tree of Life: Fungi explores the structure, life cycles, ecology, classification, and evolutionary relationships of four major lines of fungi: Chytrids, Zygomycetes (various molds), Ascomycetes (yeasts, c..
Phylum Mollusca is the second most diverse phylum of animals, with over 100,000 known species. First examined are the basic characteristics of the phylum - a soft body, muscular foot, mantle cavity with gill, and hard c..
Clear graphic animation is used to describe the molecular level mechanisms of photosynthesis. Major plant groups include mosses, liverworts, ferns, horsetails, and the seed plants (gymnosperms and flowering plants). This..
The term "protist" covers a wide range of microscopic organisms formerly clumped into "Kingdom Protista." New molecular analyses show that the protistan lines of evolution go so far back in time they can be considered a..
The diversity of rotifers is stunning, and this program shows many different species. Planktonic rotifers have special adaptations for open water life. Nematodes (round-worms) include a number of important human parasi..
Imagine an animal with no mouth, no digestive system, no excretory or circulatory organs, no brain nor nervous system, and no movement as an adult. In spite of their simple nature, sponges are actually one of the most f..
This program examines the discovery of viruses and their structure, how viruses are studied, how they infect their hosts and how they replicate. Details are provided on the T-4 bacteriophage and retroviruses such as HIV.
A break-even analysis allows managers to calculate at what point revenues will cover expenses, and to determine whether a specific project will generate enough income to cover both its fixed and variable costs. Most orga..
Dean Hamer, Director of the Gene Structure and Regulation Unit at the National Cancer Institute, talks about efforts to determine, "...whether or not there is a genetic basis for why some people find it easy to stop smok..
This lesson describes how buyer resistance shows up in almost all sales interviews. What are the common causes of buyer resistance? How do you recognize and overcome the problem?