Vol. XXXI – No. 2 This issue contains articles on the election of Faculty-Student Committee representatives to Executive Council, the BC Alumnus of the Year awarded to Manuel Cohen, chairman of the Securities and Excha..
Vol. LIII – No. 2 This issue contains articles on potential changes to student registration system, a new ban on rock concerts at the campus auditorium, and the reinstatement of a former downtown campus school as a mai..
Vol. LXXII – No. 4 This issue contains articles on a violent attack on two BC students, a wave of on-campus assaults, and the limits of what campus security can do assist people in distress. Preferred Citation: Title..
Vol. XXXIX – No. 4 This issue contains articles on the report conducted by the University Commission on Admissions regarding open enrollment plans being submitted to the Board of Higher Education, student officers look..
Vol. LXXIII – No. 5 This issue contains articles on the controversial firing of visiting professor Michael Parenti, attempts to get students to use the shuttle in light of recent neighborhood violence, and campus blood..
Vol. LXVIII – No. 5 This issue contains articles on the BC president's role in the CUNY Board of Trustees dissolving the BC comparative literature program and a recruitment boost for the Emergency Medical Squad. Prefe..
Vol. XXVII—No. 4. Allie Sherman, class of ’43, is given BC’s “Alumnus of the Year” award, a formal ceremony for all non BCer’s such as city officials and university administrators, will take place for the op..
Vol. XXXVII – No. 5 This issue contains articles on the Faculty-Student Committee on Student Organization's request that Student Government needs to prepare a constitution for ratification by the student body, news and..
Vol. 1—No.1 October 13, 1950 BC Varsity to kick off the semester with George Bernard Shaw’s “Pygmalion,” Student Government Association votes to censor Faculty-Student Committee on Publications for revoking char..
Vol. XXIII—No. 4. Gustave G. Rosenberg chairman of the Board of Higher Education slams proposed budget cut by the City Planning Commission, Hunter College hosts first CUNY Convention where 6 of its 7 colleges to famil..