In 1975-79, almost two million Cambodians lost their lives to murder and famine when the Khmer Rouge forced the urban population into the countryside to fulfill their ideal of an agrarian utopia. The notorious detention..
About this title: SNCC Advisor, Timothy Jenkins opens the conference explaining that this is not simply a gathering of reminiscence, but a coming together to provide "missing chapters in history" to a new generation of f..
About this title: Not unexpectedly, some of the Southern Movement's most vivid stories are found in Mississippi. Panelist Lawrence Guyot, former Chair of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP), insists that Miss..
About this title: Black power as articulated by SNCC emerged directly from the work of its field organizers; and Lowndes County, Alabama, where SNCC consciously organized an independent Black political party in 1966, pla..
About this title: This panel discusses the Southwest Georgia Project, one of SNCC's earliest and most significant campaigns. Project Director, Charles Sherrod, one of the first of the college students to leave school to ..
About this title: Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia so dominate the image of SNCC's work that its organizing projects in Arkansas, Cambridge, Maryland and Danville, Virginia are often overlooked. The panelists reflect on ..
About this title: This panel, says Vincent Harding, is a "beautiful combination of scholars with the warm, warm blood of social activism running through their lives." The panelists present insights on SNCC drawn from the..
About this title: This panel probes the complex evolution of SNCC: the radicalizing effect of its style of grassroots organizing, its disillusionment with establishment politics, the attacks on SNCC by former liberal all..