This classic anthropological study of a traditional Navajo family, the Neboyias, examines their lifestyle through the four seasons as they travel to each of their hogans—planting, sheepherding, harvesting, and weaving...
In a single recent year the U.S. classified about five times the number of pages added to the Library of Congress. We live in a world where the production of secret knowledge dwarfs the production of open knowledge. Depe..
In a single recent year the U.S. classified about five times the number of pages added to the Library of Congress. We live in a world where the production of secret knowledge dwarfs the production of open knowledge. Depe..
Master Sgt. Jerry Ensminger reveals the Marine Corps' cover-up at Camp Lejeune of one of the largest water contamination incidents in US history. Marine Corps Master Sgt. Jerry Ensminger was a devoted Marine for nearly t..
This program discusses reproduction and motherhood in the hyper-patriarchal societies of Latin America. Women on different economic and social levels discuss such topics as working mothers, and how the extended family co..
Women make up 15 percent of today's military. That number is expected to double in 10 years. This film highlights the resourcefulness of seven amazing women who represent the first wave of mothers, daughters and sisters ..
About this title: In 1964 Michael Apted interviewed a group of seven year old children from diverse backgrounds from all over England, asking them about their lives and their dreams for the future. About the series: “..
A study of the concept of sexuality in Mexico and Central America. Focus is on the cultural archetypes of machismo and marianismo, orientations which have defined social conduct and sexual orientation throughout Latin Am..
Señorita Extraviada : Missing Young Woman tells the haunting story of the more than 350 kidnapped, raped and murdered young women of Juárez, Mexico. Visually poetic, yet unflinching in its gaze, this compelling investi..