Often it is the conflicting series of roles each of us plays that defines and frequently limits our social options.
Technology has had a significant impact on social interaction. While conventional wisdom suggests that technology in general and the Internet in particular undermine social interaction, there are many who contend that ju..
Perhaps nowhere is the fusion of language and emotion more visible and more combustible than in the world of politics, where complex issues and positions are often reduced to labels and highly-charged code words.
Since 1900, average life expectancy in the United States has nearly doubled, going from 47 years to about 78 ears for males and 82 years for females. In most cases, the quality of life has increased along with the quan..
Profile of an extended Asian-American family whose members emigrated from Viet Nam.
The growing participation of women in the labor force has led to dramatic changes in family life in the United States, particularly as regards children and childcare.
The United States has gone from an industrial economy in the first half of the 20th century to a post-industrial and service economy. The implications of this shift for the American family have been enormous.
The challenge of meeting America's health care needs continues to defy easy solution. This is especially problematic for many working families that lack adequate health insurance.
American families are growing more racially and ethnically diverse, at least in part because of changing patterns of immigration.
While some believe the role of the family has diminished in recent years, others contend that while the family has changed, it remains as important as ever.