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Brooklyn College Student Newspapers
Showing 701 to 710 of 744 Resources

Kingsman, September 18, 1989

Vol. LXX – No. 2 This issue contains articles on possible asbestos contamination during the abatement project, significant cuts to weekend courses, and freshman orientation. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. vol..

Kingsman, September 19, 1960

Vol. XXI — No. 1 1,800 BC freshmen are introduced to university social clubs, college health insurance policy to continue for many students, BC will receive first federal loan disbursement, Faculty "mourns" death of P..

Kingsman, September 19, 1969

Vol. XXXIX – No. 1 This issue contains articles on the filing of a breach of trust suit charged against the Board of Higher Education (BHE) and BC administration on behalf of BC students, the announcement of Dr. John K..

Kingsman, September 19, 1986

Vol. LXXIII – No. 2 Paper erroneously reads "Tuesday, September 19" instead of its correct publishing day, Friday. This issue contains articles on a successful campus book exchange, freshmen orientation, and student go..

Kingsman, September 19, 1988

Vol. LXVIII – No. 2 This issue contains articles on new student orientation and the appointment of a new dean of education. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, date of publication. Brooklyn Coll..

Kingsman, September 20, 1965

Vol. XXXI – No. 1 This issue contains articles on the suspension of the dress code for one year to test student response, the rapid growth in enrollment requiring campus renovations and expansions, and Professor Margar..

Kingsman, September 20, 1966

Vol. XXXIII – No. 1 This issue contains articles on CUNY's admission of 2,300 more Freshmen after the state passes a construction bill, Selective Service System filing procedures outlined at registration, and 33 gradua..

Kingsman, September 20, 1968

Vol. XXXVII – No. 2 This issue contains articles on President Syrett's affirmation of stance on not dropping the criminal trespassing charges against arrested BC students and information about the Student Government's ..

Kingsman, September 21, 1959

Vol. XIX—No. 1 Federal Housing Bill has BC Student Union Building hanging in the balance, delay impacts furniture arrival for new library extension, new cafeteria wing and self-service bookstore, new 3.35 million dol..

Kingsman, September 21, 1962

Vol. XXV—No. 2. Court rules in favor of Melvin Lesser, saying he can enroll at BC— the high school student who sued after being denied admission due to carrying a lower than acceptable grade point average, BC Presid..

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