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William Paterson University of New Jersey Collection
Showing 831 to 840 of 4830 Resources
Congenital heart defects

Congenital heart defects

William Paterson University professor Kimberly A. Dimino, MSN, CCRN delivers a colloquium on congenital heart defects, including information on risk factors, physical symptoms, classifications, clinical consequences such..

Connecting Different Fields of Philosophy

Connecting Different Fields of Philosophy

Philosopher Hilary Putnam makes the case for connecting the different fields of philosophy. As an example, he cites ethics and epistemology, arguing that looking at these together would enable us to see things in a diffe..

Connections: Adversity and Opportunity: A Sociological Case Study

Connections: Adversity and Opportunity: A Sociological Case Study

For "Students Rising Above" subject Otis Cobb, nothing in early childhood would have suggested that he would someday be admitted to the prestigious University of California at Berkeley.

Connections: Connecting Despite the Loss of Sight or Hearing

Connections: Connecting Despite the Loss of Sight or Hearing

Helen Keller, who was both blind and deaf, said that to her deafness was more bothersome than blindness. Her blindness, she said, kept her from things; deafness separated her from people. For David Myers who is on a traj..

Connections: Does the Brain Record Sensations Without Our Conscious Awareness?

Connections: Does the Brain Record Sensations Without Our Conscious Awareness?

How much of what we see or hear, taste, smell, or touch, is actually recorded by the brain without our conscious awareness? One method psychologists use to study this phenomenon is to study people who have had damage to ..

Connections: Family in Crisis: A Sociological Case Study

Connections: Family in Crisis: A Sociological Case Study

When the Bahena family first arrived in the United States from Mexico, they had very little money and, for a time, actually lived under a bridge. But there was an even bigger problem: an abusive family member.

Connections: Features Detected by Individual Neurons

Connections: Features Detected by Individual Neurons

In recent decades, researchers like David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel have been able to chart patterns of neural activity in relation to certain stimuli. Too often, however, research is focused on a single neuron rather tha..

Connections: Living in Society

Connections: Living in Society

Sociology is the science of human society. C. Wright Mills originated the concept of "the sociological imagination" to express the notion that all individuals are part of something bigger than themselves known as society..

Connections: Public Policy Issues

Connections: Public Policy Issues

For many sociologists, understanding both the limitations and the opportunities that society presents leads directly to the realm of public policy.

Connections: Role of the Thalamas, The

Connections: Role of the Thalamas, The

Except for olfaction, input signals traveling along sensory pathways are routed through relay areas in the thalamus. Beyond serving as a way station, the role of the thalamus is a source of debate. Parts of the thalamus ..

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