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William Paterson University of New Jersey Collection
Showing 841 to 850 of 4830 Resources
Connections: Sensing the World: The Absolute Threshold

Connections: Sensing the World: The Absolute Threshold

The minimum stimulation necessary to detect reliability a particular stimuli is called the absolute threshold. Thresholds can vary depending on a person's experience and expectations, or level of fatigue. A remarkable qu..

Connections: Sensing the World: The Difference Threshold

Connections: Sensing the World: The Difference Threshold

Humans, as well as other animal species, have the ability to detect small variations in stimuli (the difference threshold) . The fact that sensitivity is reduced after sustained exposure to stimuli, like the clothes a pe..

Connections: Sensory Signals: Destination Cortex

Connections: Sensory Signals: Destination Cortex

The ultimate destination for sensory signals is the cerebral cortex. The cortex is a crumpled sheet, a few millimeters thick, wrapped around the exterior of the brain. In the primary visual cortex there is a hierarchy of..

Connections: Social Class

Connections: Social Class

For children growing up, opportunities and limitations, as well as the degree of parental involvement, are often linked to social class.

Connections: Sociologists at Work

Connections: Sociologists at Work

Much of sociology involves analyzing the limits and constraints society imposes on individuals. But the notion that change is possible and that problems can be solved is a critical aspect of sociology as well. Frequently..

Connections: Students Rising Above

Connections: Students Rising Above

Although she's a TV news anchor/reporter and not a sociologist, Wendy Tokuda has helped change the world of many young people in the San Francisco Bay area. Her series, "Students Rising Above," profiles a group of remark..

Connections: World of Sensory Stimuli, A

Connections: World of Sensory Stimuli, A

As attuned as people think they are to the world, their senses take in only a fraction of the energy that surrounds them. Most animal species have many more than the five primary senses ascribed to humans. Many animals h..

Connections: countdown

Connections: countdown

What happens when you combine a carbon arc light, a billiard ball coating, a spoked wheel and consecutive images? Motion pictures! Complex and sometimes incredible events led to Thomas Edison's remarkable invention; the ..

Connections: death in the morning

Connections: death in the morning

How did a test of gold's purity revolutionize the world 2,500 years ago and lead to the atomic bomb? Standardizing precious metal in coins stimulated trade from Greece to Persia, causing the construction of a huge commer..

Connections: distant voices

Connections: distant voices

Telecommunications exist because the Normans wore stirrups at the Battle of Hastings - a simple advance that caused a revolution in the increasingly expensive science of warfare. Europe turned its attention to making mon..

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