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William Paterson University of New Jersey Collection
Showing 851 to 860 of 4830 Resources
Connections: eat, drink and be merry

Connections: eat, drink and be merry

When Napoleon marched huge forces across Europe, he needed an efficient way to store provisions. A Frenchman preserved sterilized food in empty champagne bottles, an idea modified by the British, who tried tin cans. Stil..

Connections: faith in numbers

Connections: faith in numbers

Each development in the organization of systems (political, economic, mechanical, electronic) influences the next, by logic, by genius, by chance, or by utterly unforeseen events. The transition from the Middle ages to t..

Connections: the long chain

Connections: the long chain

Often, materials discovered by accident alter the course of the world. In the 1600s Dutch commercial freighters controlled Atlantic trade routes. Competing British lines induced America to produce pitch to protect hulls ..

Connections: the trigger effect

Connections: the trigger effect

In this series, James Burke examines how various scientific, historical and social factors gave rise to technological advances, including atomic weapons, nautical navigation and a growing dependence on technology. Beginn..

Connections: the wheel of fortune

Connections: the wheel of fortune

The power to see into the future with computers originally rested with priest-astronomers who knew the proper times to plant and harvest. The constellations influenced life spectacularly, particularly when the ailing Cal..

Connections: thunder in the skies

Connections: thunder in the skies

A dramatically colder climate gripped Europe during the 13th century, profoundly affecting the course of history for the next seven centuries. The changes in energy usage transformed architecture and forced the creation ..

Connections: yesterday, tomorrow and you

Connections: yesterday, tomorrow and you

"Why did we do it this way?" Essential moments from the previous programs are reviewed to illustrate the common factors that make for change. Will they go on operating to affect our futures? And if so, can we recognize t..



Social psychologist Mahzarin Banaji talks about the concept of consciousness. Dr. Banaji explains that she thinks of consciousness as having four properties: awareness, control, intention and self-reflection



Philosopher John Searle talks about consciousness, noting that for consciousness to exist, there must be behavior in a causal structure--not simply behavior alone. As an example, Professor Searle talks about his radio wh..

Conservation and Preservation

Conservation and Preservation

Former Sierra Club president David Brower talks about the need for conservation and preservation, in light of mankind's unprecedented rate of environmental destruction.

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