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Oceanography Collection
Making the Pieces Fit: Confirming the Theory of Plate Tectonics

Making the Pieces Fit: Confirming the Theory of Plate Tectonics

The theory of plate tectonics was initially accepted largely on the basis of indirect, paleomagnetic data. Eventually, however, it was confirmed through the use of GPS technology, which is able to actually measure plate ..

Making the Pieces Fit: Seafloor Spreading

Making the Pieces Fit: Seafloor Spreading

Alfred Wegener's hypothesis was rejected by many who felt it lacked a credible mechanism which could explain the continental movement hypothesized by Wegener. The notion of seafloor spreading, which suggested that new se..

Making the Pieces Fit: Significance of Plate Tectonics Theory

Making the Pieces Fit: Significance of Plate Tectonics Theory

The evidence of plate tectonics takes many forms, from mountain ranges to oceanic ridges and volcanism It is widely considered to be a unifying theory that ties together a variety of scientific disciplines, including mar..

Marine Animals and Sound

Marine Animals and Sound

Renowned oceanographer and geophysicist Walter Munk talks about the use of sound by marine animals. Professor Monk observes that while scientists don't fully understand all the ways marine animals use sound, it is genera..

Noise Pollution and Marine Life

Noise Pollution and Marine Life

Renowned oceanographer and geophysicist Walter Munk talks about the impact of sound on marine animals. He discusses the campaign of environmental groups to cut down on noise pollution in the ocean--a campaign which Profe..

Oceanic Crust vs. Continental Crust

Oceanic Crust vs. Continental Crust

Geophysicist and geologist Tanya Atwater discusses the differences between continental and oceanic crust. Continental crust tends to be much thicker and would be thicker still were it not for the forces of gravity and er..

On the Coast: Coastline Changes Over Time

On the Coast: Coastline Changes Over Time

Whatever a coastline's shape today, it was probably different yesterday, as it will no doubt be tomorrow. Coastal zones are among the most dynamic areas on Earth, subject to a host of factors that make every coast a work..

On the Coast: Coastline Classification

On the Coast: Coastline Classification

There is no single, universally agreed upon system of classifying coastlines. Given the large number and variety of classification approaches, oceanographers often gravitate towards the method they consider to be most us..

On the Coast: Defining the Coast

On the Coast: Defining the Coast

There is no universally accepted definition of coast. It is essentially a boundary between the land and the sea, but it's a broad zone rather than a single line.

On the Coast: Human Impact on Coastlines

On the Coast: Human Impact on Coastlines

Like a sparkling ribbon pressed between land and ocean, the coast draws people to it the world over. In the United States, almost eighty percent of the population lives in coastal counties. Unfortunately, most human impa..

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