The subject of death is often as uncomfortable for doctors as the general public. Their focus is on healing and saving people; death is the enemy. There was a time when doctors did not always reveal that a patient's cond..
Hospice care, palliative care for dying individuals, is lauded by patients and their families. It can be provided in the home or in specialized care settings, and allows patients and their families to experience love and..
Hilary, a patient terminally ill with A.I.D.S., is ready to die. We hear her story and the reactions of caregivers whose professional training and emotional focus toward healing the sick are being challenged.
Some patients faced with a terminal illness do not want to prolong an existence that to them is subhuman. In the 1970s and '80s the medical profession felt it was their professional and legal obligation to do everything ..
People's reactions to an impending death sentences do not always follow a predictable course. Emotions range from anger to denial to acceptance, moving back and forth. Fear is common - fear of pain, fear of being abandon..
Adapting healthier eating habits takes work and long-term commitment. The local supermarket may be a place to begin, walking down the aisles, making choices, with nutritionist Linda Gigliotti as our guide.
Our bodies need the nutrients found in foods to function--to power muscular movements and cell activities, repair tissues, and maintain body temperature. To carry out these metabolic activities, cells need the energy sto..
Many countries have established dietary guidelines to help people determine how much of any one nutrient is enough. Because people are different, their nutritional needs are also different; there is no one size fits all...
Another key to maintaining a healthy diet is by eating regularly and not skipping meals. Get in the habit of having the right food available for breakfast and lunch, at school or at work. Prepare extra food on the weeken..
The labels on processed foods often list the calories and nutrients contained in each single serving of the product. Grams of fat, what types of fat, fiber content, sodium, all are factors that are important for people t..