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Brooklyn College Student Newspapers

Ken, Monday, September 24, 1973

Vol. 53 – No. 2 This issue contains articles on updates from several administrators, significant problems with class registration, and a call for expansion of student aid funding. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspape..

Ken, Tuesday, February 19, 1974

Vol. 54 – No. 2 This issue contains articles on the formation of an ad hoc committee to find a new Director of the School of General Studies, the reorganization of the New York City Board of Higher Education, and stude..

Ken, Tuesday, March 5, 1974

Vol. 54 – No. 3 This issue contains articles on student government election results, memorial services for the late Dean of the School of General Studies (SGS), and the search for a new SGS dean. Preferred Citation: T..

Ken, Tuesday, September 10, 1974

Vol. 55 – No. 1 This issue contains articles on the naming of several new administrators on campus and a federal grant to computerize CUNY. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, date of publicatio..

Ken, Tuesday, September 4, 1973

Vol. 53 – No. 1 This issue contains articles on the opening of a new campus building, a tentative agreement between CUNY and the faculty union (PSC), and the establishment of a School of Performing Arts. Includes a tea..

Ken, Tuesday, September 9, 1975

Vol. 57 – No. 1 This issue contains multiple articles on the looming effects of CUNY budget cuts. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, date of publication. Brooklyn College Illumira, url, access..

Kingsman April 14, 1988

Vol. LXVII – No. 11 This issue contains articles on continued protests by the Haitian Club over a racist attack by BC baseball players and threats against a student by a non-student. Note: The volume and issue number..

Kingsman April 26, 1963

Vol. XXVI—No. 10. CUNY is set to launch Ph.D programs in biology and engineering for the fall 1968 semester, Executive Council approves the creation of a BC bronze key for service, the Brooklyn Supreme Court’s Appel..

Kingsman October 5, 1962

Vol. XXV—No. 4. Executive Council remains torn over whether to pass an approving resolution to President Kennedy’s action regarding the University of Mississippi, BC Professor Daniel Coogan chooses the 4 students to..

Kingsman, April 1, 1960

Vol. XX—No. 8 New York State Legislature passes bill approving 18 million more dollars to fund city educational facilities, David Greenseid and Morton Liebowitz are both nominated for position of Executive Council Pre..

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