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Restaurant in Prospect Park, Brooklyn, N.Y. from the Temme Co.

Postcard is a color real photo of a restaurant in Prospect Park, Brooklyn, NY. The postcard is divided, has not been mailed, and is circa 1907-1913. The picture side reads: Restaurant, Prospect Park, Brooklyn, N.Y. T..

Reviewing Stand Entrance to Flower Garden in Prospect Park

Postcard is a color real photo of the Flower Garden entrance in Prospect Park, Brooklyn, NY. The postcard is divided, has not been mailed, and is circa 1930-1943. The picture side reads: Reviewing Stand Entrance to Flo..

Reviewing Stand Entrance to Flower Garden in Prospect Park Postcard to Guy

Postcard is a color real photo of the Flower Garden entrance in Prospect Park, Brooklyn, NY. The postcard is divided and has a postmark date of January 7, 1914. The picture side reads: Reviewing Stand, Entrance to Flow..

Riding and Driving Club in Brooklyn

Postcard is a black and white real photo of the riding club in Prospect Park, Brooklyn, NY. The postcard is undivided and has a postmark date of September 23, 1907. The picture side reads: Riding & Driving, Brooklyn, N..

Scene Showing Bridge and Boat House in Prospect Park Postcard to Cosmetic Dept

Postcard is a color illustration of the bridge and boathouse in Prospect Park, Brooklyn, NY. The postcard is divided and has a postmark date of August 5, 1938. The picture side reads: 309:--Scene showing bridge and boat..

Scene in Prospect Park Postcard to EJ

Postcard is a color real photo of the lake in Prospect Park, Brooklyn, NY. The postcard is divided, has a handwritten note but was not mailed. It is circa 1907-1914 The picture side reads: Scene in Prospect Park, Brookl..

Scene in Prospect Park, Brooklyn Postcard to Helen

Postcard is a color real photo of a rowboat in the lake in Prospect Park, Brooklyn, NY. The postcard is divided and has a postmark date of June 19, 1911. The picture side reads: Scene in Prospect Park, Brooklyn, N. Y. ..

Scene in Prospect Park, Brooklyn Postcard to William

Postcard is a color real photo of a waterfall in Prospect Park, Brooklyn, NY. The postcard is undivided and has a postmark date of January 30, 1905. The picture side reads: Scene in Prospect Park, Brooklyn, N.Y. No. 45..

Scene in Prospect Park, Showing Lake and World War Monument Postcard to J

Postcard is a color illustration of the Prospect Park War Memorial in Brooklyn, NY. The postcard is divided and has a postmark date of July 19, 1938. The picture side reads: 315:--Scene in Prospect Park, Showing Lake a..

Scene on the Lake in Prospect Park Postcard to Randy

Postcard is a color real photo of the lake in Prospect Park, Brooklyn, NY. The postcard is divided and has a postmark date of February 23, 1919. The picture side reads: Scene on the lake, Prospect Park, Brooklyn, N.Y. ..

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