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William Paterson University of New Jersey Collection
Showing 901 to 910 of 4830 Resources
Crisis of Authority: Middle Eastern Conflict and Shuttle Diplomacy

Crisis of Authority: Middle Eastern Conflict and Shuttle Diplomacy

The situation in the Middle East has become more volatile since the Six Day War in 1967. On Yom Kippur, October of 1973, Egypt and Syria coordinate an attack on Israel. As Henry Kissinger, now Secretary of State, attempt..

Crisis of Authority: Nixon's Domestic Initiatives

Crisis of Authority: Nixon's Domestic Initiatives

The Nixon administration attempts to restore balance between the needs of the poor and desires of the middle class, between the power of the federal government and the interests of local communities. In the process, the ..

Crisis of Authority: Relations with Superpowers

Crisis of Authority: Relations with Superpowers

President Nixon believes the world is safer if the strength of the super powers is balanced. Nixon and Kissinger seize on the economic vulnerability of the Soviet Union to establish trade relationships with the USSR, tre..

Crisis of Authority: Troubled Economy, The

Crisis of Authority: Troubled Economy, The

Inflation soars, in part because of the cost of energy. OPEC nations refuse to sell oil to the U.S. because of the nation's support for Israel in the Yom Kippur War. With major competition from abroad, some U.S. factorie..

Crisis of Authority: Vietnam--Peace with Honor?

Crisis of Authority: Vietnam--Peace with Honor?

As the 1972 election approaches, the Nixon administration steps up its efforts to end the carnage in Vietnam. Kissinger continues negotiations. In order to pressure North Vietnam, Nixon unleashes B-52 bombs at Christmas,..

Crisis of Authority: Vietnamization and Escalation

Crisis of Authority: Vietnamization and Escalation

Nixon begins his presidency by turning over more of the war to the Vietnamese so the U.S. can withdraw troops and undermine anti-war rhetoric. While there is a visible attempt to set up negotiations, Kissinger is engaged..

Crisis of Authority: Watergate Crisis, The

Crisis of Authority: Watergate Crisis, The

Watergate includes a range of illegal activities that go beyond the break in at the Democratic National Headquarters. The use of illegal election funds to punish political opponents is just one of a number of disclosures..

Critical Condition: What Happens When You're Sick and Uninsured?

Critical Condition: What Happens When You're Sick and Uninsured?

What happens when you're sick and uninsured? The unforgettable people in this film discover that it can cost you your job, health, home, savings, and even your life. Critical Condition puts an intimate human face on Amer..

Cultural Identity

Cultural Identity

Philosopher Charles Taylor talks about the role that social and cultural groups play in the formation of one's identity.

Cultural Illiteracy

Cultural Illiteracy

Cultural illiteracy among today’s teenagers threatens the fabric of society, according to Professor E.D. Hirsch, Jr., author of the best-seller, Cultural Literacy. Hirsch defines cultural literacy as familiarity with t..

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