Recently programs designed to encourage science, technology, engineering, and math [STEM] careers have advocated use of art in the teaching of scientific disciplines [i.e. from STEM to STEAM]. This inclusion of art in sc..
There has been a call to action to focus on making learning more flexible and accessible. In order to accomplish these tasks, courses/programs must support on-demand learning with immediate accessibility. Additionally, c..
I will present ways to utilize free apps that engage students and ultimately facilitate critical discussion, thinking, and writing. The two main apps I will demonstrate are Polleverywhere and EdPuzzle. Polleverywhere i..
Good design produces ancillary benefits. Engagement science applies the principles of gameful design to non-game situations - in this case to the problem of low rates of student retention and completion. We summarize how..
Using game design elements in non-game settings to engage participants and encourage desired behaviors is gamification. This technique was used in a project of Web Adventures using crime scene investigation (CSI) develop..
The College of Staten Island needed a video repository and streaming solution to meet the needs of faculty, students and staff. After evaluating several, we decided to acquire Illumira (formerly known as NJVID.) Our pres..
At Montclair State University, the Instructional Design team is collaborating with the General Education Committee, headed by Dr. Kirk McDermid, to pilot the implementation assessment of Learning Outcomes across a divers..
Recent shifts in education from a teacher-centered to a learner-centered paradigm are creating opportunities to design new learning spaces to support innovation, creativity, and build communities. Makerspaces, in particu..
In 1971, John List murdered his wife, mother, and three teenage children in his dilapidated Westfield Mansion. He remained a fugitive for nearly 18 years before technology and tenacity caught up to him. He died in prison..
The high cost of textbooks can impede academic success and contribute to already soaring student debt. Many students at Rutgers and elsewhere in the country choose to delay buying their textbooks or do not buy them at al..