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Psychology Collection
Abnormal Psychology; Introduction to Psychology: Bipolar Disorder

Abnormal Psychology; Introduction to Psychology: Bipolar Disorder

With bipolar disorder, the mood landscape is more complex. In the first stage called hypo mania depressions are offset by periods of mild mania. For about 50% of people with bipolar illness, these early stages are an inc..

Abnormal Psychology; Introduction to Psychology: Creating Treatments That Work

Abnormal Psychology; Introduction to Psychology: Creating Treatments That Work

Clinicians assume that the treatment of personality disorders will take longer because it's an attempt to change the core person, a person who has been rehearsing these behaviors for a lifetime. To assist the development..

Abnormal Psychology; Introduction to Psychology: Depression, the World's Leading Cause of Disability

Abnormal Psychology; Introduction to Psychology: Depression, the World's Leading Cause of Disability

Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide, and the number one reason people seek help from mental health professionals. There is no way of predicting who will get depressed, although family history and prev..

Abnormal Psychology; Introduction to Psychology: Suicide Risk

Abnormal Psychology; Introduction to Psychology: Suicide Risk

Fifty percent of people with bipolar disorder attempt suicide at some point in their lives; 20% complete the act. Kay Redfield Jamison talks about her own struggle with bipolar disorder and the sense of helplessness and ..

Abnormal Psychology; Introduction to Psychology: Symptoms of Depression

Abnormal Psychology; Introduction to Psychology: Symptoms of Depression

Depression is not the normal ups and downs of mood that are part of life but getting stuck down and staying there for weeks. The physical and emotional symptoms of depression range from a sense of profound worthlessness ..

Abraham Lincoln and the Truth About Prejudice

Abraham Lincoln and the Truth About Prejudice

Social psychologist Mahzarin Banaji explains that there is some degree of prejudice, whether conscious or not, in nearly everyone. She uses Abraham Lincoln as an example, citing the contradictions between his public reco..

Acquisition of Biases, The

Acquisition of Biases, The

Social psychologist Mahzarin Banaji explains that prejudice is something that is learned, not something with which we're born. The good news, according to Dr. Banaji, is that we can change our thinking. "It's part of ord..

Adversarial Collaboration

Adversarial Collaboration

Nobel Prize winning psychology professor Daniel Kahneman recommends that researchers who disagree should collaborate and design an experiment together, rather than simply critique one another's work.

Advising Therapists

Advising Therapists

Experimental psychologist and author Elizabeth Loftus says that the problem with some therapists is that they have a sexual abuse agenda. Dr. Loftus advises therapists who have a hypothesis not to limit their inquiry to ..

Age and Susceptibility to Memory Distortion

Age and Susceptibility to Memory Distortion

Experimental psychologist and author Elizabeth Loftus talks about the link between age and memory distortion. "You take children who are three, four, five, six years old," Dr. Loftus explains, "'re going to find th..

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