Roger Rehm, Vice President for Information Technology and CIO for Central Michigan University talks about the value of being a Merit Member.
Members of the Merit community discuss the benefits of being a Merit Member. Contributors include Roger Rehm, CMU; Pete Hoffswell, Davenport University; Patrick Gossman, WSU; Randall Melton, Lake Michigan College.
Pete Hoffswell, Network Manager at Davenport University, talks about the value of being a Merit Member.
Randall Melton, Executive Director of Information Technology at Lake Michigan College, talks about the many dimensions of the Merit Membership, including cost-effective connectivity, a Michigan educational cloud, and pee..
Mike Lippens, ITS Operations Manager for the University of Michigan, talks about the value of attending Merit events, such as the quality of information and interacting with peer organizations.
Bill Fisher, the Technical Support Manager for Grand Valley State University, talks about the Merit community and attending Merit events, such as the annual Networking Summit.
Dave Zenz, the Executive Director of Information Technology at Hillsdale College, speaks about the network and building strong peer relationships within the Merit community.
Roger Rehm, Vice President for Information Technology and CIO for Central Michigan University talks about the value of being a Merit Member.